Scale calculator

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Value in scale


1 :

Value in reality

This scale conversion calculator is able to find the scale between two measurements or estimations. The tool suggests common used scales close to your estimation and calculates what the outcome will be in that case. The tool can also be used to calculate the scale- or real value. Besides the metric system, the tool supports imperial and USCS units.

Online scale converter and calculator

Scale bar generator

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A scale bar is a linear graphic that is divided into segments and used to measure distances on drawings and maps. The addition of a scale bar means that the drawing can be measured using a traditional ruler and/or via any other well-proportioned object. Aside from making map and drawing reading easier, the drawing or map doesn't necessarily need to be printed to a specific size. This is particularly useful when measuring via a digital screen or mobile device. This online scale bar generator can be used to generate scale bars so you can import them into your document.

Build a scale bar online

Scale paper

96 DPI/PPI is used instead

This calculator can be used to check the size of a paper and calculate the magnification factors between two paper sizes. The tool supports most paper sizes used throughout the world as well as different units. The difference between the two papers is shown using a dynamic visual. Besides its portrait mode, papers can be shown in landscape.

Calculate difference in paper size online